
Preparing Your Fire Sprinkler System for Winter

Oct 10, 2019

While our services are often limited to an annual inspection and testing of the systems at most properties, we want to do whatever we can to save our customers money on the front end of the maintenance of your fire sprinkler systems.

As most of us have seen over the last couple of years, the Midwest tends to experience very cold winters. Sometimes temperatures will stay well below freezing for an extended period of time. We want to be sure that you and your team are prepared for the cold temperatures.

Prior to the winter months, you should verify that your building will be able to maintain a minimum of 40ºF to prevent water-filled pipes from freezing.




Tips to help prevent freeze-related issues:

  • Inspect ALL areas of your building(s) to ensure all areas are being maintained above 40ºF to prevent water-filled pipes from freezing
    • Includes verifying that windows, skylights, doors, ventilators, other openings and closures, concealed spaces, unused attics, stair towers, roof houses, and low spaces under buildings do not expose water-filled piping to freezing conditions
  • Inspect and test ALL heating units, thermostats, breakers, and other related items to ensure they are functioning properly
  • Inspect and/or test insulating coverings, frost-proof casings, listed heat tracing systems, etc. to ensure they are adequate and operational
  • Test anti-freeze solution to ensure the mixture achieves sufficient freeze protection for the area and/or exposure
  • Drain low point drains (drum drips) on Dry-type systems; including but not limited to dry pipe, pre-action, and manual dry systems

If you are unfamiliar with your fire sprinkler system operations and/or maintenance requirements, please call us. We would be more than happy to help you familiarize with these operating procedures. An ounce of prevention at this time can save you a costly fire sprinkler break this winter.

If you experience a fire sprinkler related emergency, please call our emergency service dispatch.

(417) 862-5240